Antoinette Jeanean’s is a home-based bakery in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Hi, I’m Mariah and I am so happy you are here! I started Antoinette Jeanean’s at the end of 2021 after a longtime dream of owning a baking biz. You might be wondering where the name came from… well, it was almost MY name once upon a time believe it or not. Antoinette and Jeanean were my two grandma’s middle names. I decided to adopt the name for my little business to honor each of them and to have something that’s my own, without calling it just “Mariah’s”.

AJ’s is a creative outlet for me and currently a side hustle as I work in the Banking industry by day. I’m self-taught and bake all the sweet treats out of my home kitchen. This little business came along after years of people ooh’ing and ah’ing over my sweets and I finally decided to make the leap into really pursuing it when my wedding venue hosted their first ever Christmas festival in December 2021.

I’ve created this little virtual space to showcase my work and drive interest for my sweet creations. I’m not focused on one treat in particular, but rather enjoy making cookies, cakes, and cupcakes of different varieties. If you’re curious about pricing, ordering, or something else, feel free to contact me to connect. Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet and considering my sweet treats as an addition to your life!


Owner, Mariah, at her first vendor show